31 July 2011

Graduation, Working and my Lab

The past year has been extremely busy for me as I have been working to finish my studies at the University of Washington. I am proud to say that I have successfully completed my BSEE as of the middle of July after fulfilling the final requirements through gaining credit for previous University of Colorado coursework. I have also started working at a local engineering firm, Williamson & Associates, assisting with their latest deep-sea submersible drilling system (check them out at www.wassoc.com, we do some pretty cool stuff!). I have also been working to tidy up my home office/lab and organize the devices, components and test equipment acquired over the last few years so that I may work on some of my own projects at home. It can be seen below:

I am pretty excited to be done and working so quickly. I am also excited to start on stuff that I didn't have time for the past two years (electronic and non-electronic). I will be sure to post any new (and even previous) projects that I am working on. My current project is building my own adjustable bench power supply. Presently I use a discrete regulator on my circuit coupled with a rectifier and my transformer-in-a-box to power stuff. While not horrible, I would like one that has adjustable DC output (voltage and current) so that I can focus on the circuit and not the supply. As far as build vs buy? I would like to know what is going on inside my circuit so I am building it.

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